The Crucible by Arthur Miller
It is 1692 and a town in Massachusetts has an unnerving undercurrent running through it which threatens to tear apart the peace and harmony on which is it based. The undercurrent is that witchcraft is being practiced within the town and with everyone pointing the finger and suspicions at everyone else, the waters are cloudy as to who is actually guilty of the crime. The Salem witch trails start and suddenly everyone's dirty washing is being aired in public.
Strong Characters
The characters involved have been brought to life by Miller to the point that they can be seen on a daily life. Giles Corey is one such example. He is an ageing man, yet one of strong principles and also of integrity although very traditional in nature. He finds it strange and beyond him that his wife reads books, a point that he airs. This then results in his wife being accused of witchcraft. He remains strong to the end in a scene that is quite emotional. Stones are piled onto his chest in a bid for him to confess to practicing witchcraft - if he confesses, he will live but his family cannot inherit his land if so. His reply is constantly "more weight".
A great play with many twists, highlighting the evil trappings of life such and jealously and revenge and showing how a small event can spiral out of control. You cannot say you are a fan of modern plays unless you have seen this! Essential viewing.
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