
Showing posts from 2018

The golden age of arcade video games

Event management and teambuilding for companies

Fashion trends for winter of 2019/2020

What malls are open on Christmas and New Year's Day and New Year's Eve 2019/2020

GDPR decision to use Facebook Custom Audience

Polishing aluminum and stainless steel

Phone without credit check?

Comparison between a fund policy and a fund savings plan

Windows 11 Safe Mode

Cost effective digital printing

Golden era of pinball machines

Ben Daglish passed away

Plane crashes in aviation history

Stingray 1985 - 1987 series underrated

CP/M, the first operating system

Gaps between primes

Lucifer season 4

The General Data Protection Regulation

Zilog Z80 CPU

The MOS 6502 CPU microprocessor

Fast weight loss with reduction diets?

Where to buy cannabis in Canada

The Walking Dead season 8 finale Wrath

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

Retro consoles

Tesla - SpaceX - Elon Musk

Canada plastic bag ban

Stephen Hawking 1942-2018

Lucifer - Let the pinhead sing

The usefulness of Daylight Savings

History of wordprocessors and spread sheets

Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams and Black Mirror

The Walking Dead - Honor - Recap