Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is the USA is afraid of a direct conflict with Iran?

If Allah wanted Iranian (politicians) to fly

...he would have given them wings. But when Khomeini declared the Iran an Islamic State in 1979, Iran was aimed to go back into medieval times.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against the Iranian people or any other peoples, as long as they don't support the autocratic regime ruling over them. In fact I feel sorry for Iranians, Russians or North Koreans not to be allowed to enjoy democracy.

Already not possessing much technology or being able to develop some on their own before 1980, the Iran relied on western technology, mainly from the USA. They even sold F-18 Tomcats to Iran before 1980, which Iran still in service today, although the US and other western countries posed stringent sanctions on Iran. Thus Iran could no longer (easily) get access to modern technology, or maintain and service existing technology. The US even went on destroying all spare parts for the F-18 and also asked countries who purchased the birds before to do this. For my knowledge the US offered compensation these countries for doing so. Usually in the form of a discount on the purchase of more modern birds.

So in $date the then Iranian president $name and some other high ranking politicians lost their lives in a helicopter crash. Since Iran puts a lid on any information of the cause one can only speculate that bad weather and/or technical failures (for the supposedly bad maintained Bell helicopter) was the reason.

I suppose Allah would want Iranians to abandon all technology. But the Iranian regime seems not to obey Allah's wish, so they have cars, fly, producing weapons for war (even sold to Russia in the 2022 war in Ukraine) and even split the atom. Suppose Iranian politicians are going to rot in hell for their disobedience. They better abandon cars, using wagons pulled by mules or horses, and never attempt to fly again — and thus never leave Iranian soil, before it's too late. The "God" they might want to meet might just have two horns, a tail and pliers he already heats up in the fire. Because Iranian's President didn't follow Allah's law, he was just punished with death in the helicopter crash, no?

In my opinion Iran should be further isolated. Ask Eisenhower, he knew (and coined the word) how Containment works. It sort of already works with North Korea and Cuba, but still the western word has, albeit limited, trade with Iran. Sure other foes like Russia, North Korea and other pro Iran countries will continue or even increase trade with Iran. Still a well designed isolation should work. It works for (or better against) Cuba since decades...

The USA is afraid of a direct war with Iran — why?

Israel and the US trying to exercise caution when responding to threats originating from Iran. The US says they fear to be drawn into a wider conflict, possibly involving NATO. Even when Israel was attacked with drones and missiles the US told their junior partner to stand down, or at least be very careful when retaliate. I don't understand why. Since 1979 Iran is a smouldering fire, flaring up sometimes. A fire which in my opinion needs to be put out ASAP.

I am for a diplomatic solution. But to me it seems to be childish to assume there'll be one. Iran quit all "atom talks" and has shown it wants to destabilize western powers by supporting Russia with drones for attacks on Ukrainian civilians. The fanatic religious state wants to impose his religion to the rest of the world. They want to gain influence on the world stage, enrich uranium to threaten and finally kill democracy. There seems to be no diplomatic solution to me, and war is inevitable. If so, the longer the USA and its allies wait to "put out the fire for good", the stronger Iran becomes, and the harder to defeat her. In my opinion the US, Israel and allies should provoke Iran for a strike against them to start a full blown (defensive; they technically didn't started it) war with Iran.

Sure, Iran's allies will start to attack the US or anybody who attacks Iran. They are Iran's puppets after all and do, what the Mullahs want them to do. But the US doesn't stand alone. I would assume the UK will be on board, so will Israel. Latter can deal with geographical close foes, like Hezbollah or Hamas (if they can still fight when the time has come), as well as the Hooties in Yemen, while the US and UK silence Iran. Should be manageable for them, when Iran and his puppets are not allowed to grow in strength until then, no?

Next stop: China

Let's not forget about the Chinese threat against democracy. Like Iran, North Korea or Russia China is poised to conquer territory of other sovereign countries. Seems it's also always one person's personal wish while most of the citizens don't care. For Russia it's Ukraine (and may be later the Baltic states, Poland...), for North Korea South Korea, and for China Taiwan. Resulting wars cost or would cost hundred-thousands of deaths. Only to satisfy one person? Reminds me on Adolf Hitler, who wanted no less than the whole world. Back in the 1940s he was stopped, after initially countries looked the other way when Nazi Germany ignored the militarization of the Rhine-Land and building a potent air force in the mid 1930w. In 1939 he invaded Poland and the bloodshed started. How many millions were dead only because the wish of one man to conquer more Lebensraum? Then add those dead in the Japanese theatre, because the Emperor also wanted more space. Millions dead, only because (in case of Nazi Germany) the UK, US and others didn't forcefully intervened when only a blind didn't see what's brewing. So, today we wait again, watching how Iran and China become stronger?

  • Ruled by an autocrat leader
  • Not allowing political opposition by imprisoning or killing those who dare
  • Suppressing wishes for democracy from their citizens
  • Aiming to spread autocracy and their rule across the (especially western) world by gaining influence on the world stage
  • Not interested in diplomacy to find a solution suiting both sides
That threat needs to be contained if democracy is to prevail in western countries.

I am all for a diplomatic solution, like talks to find a solution tat both sides can live in peace. Like the threat of invading other countries and going to war has to go away. But Russia didn't just threaten others, they directly went to war with Ukraine in 2022 (you can probably say 2014 when annexing Crimea).

Because there is no sign among the leaders of these countries they want to negotiate a way out that both sides can live in peace, the only way to save democracy appears to be a military confrontation. And if a confrontation is inevitable, why wait for something to happen anyway? Waiting only allows the opponent to gain strength, resulting in a longer war with more (also civilian) casualties. Thus I doubt the USA (and Israel) want to avoid a conflict.

China "conveniently" eyes to invade Taiwan, which produces a vast number of advanced computer chips. Computer chips are the oil of the 2000s. If China would succeed to invade Taiwan, this high tech resource the western countries depend on would be gone. The Taiwanese would blow up the factories if China is successful with its invasion. Because this would be very bad for the economies of western countries like the USA, Japan and many of the European countries. Countries like Japan or the Philippines in close proximity to Taiwan are also threatened with a Chinese invasion at a later point in time, and thus going to fight China over it, if diplomacy fails — and I am positive it will. So it would be good for the US to conclude the wars she is involved in as soon as possible, to avoid to fight a multi front war.

I suppose "putting out the fire" created by the Mullahs in Iran for good and very soon should be priority for the US and her allies, to have the hands free for a possible conflict with China. Thus the US should, as I mentioned already, provoke Iran to launch a direct strike against some of her facilities, giving the US the permission to go for the Mullah's home country and remove her government with force and removing the military capabilities to wage war for a long time. After that encourage free elections, so the citizens can decide if they want democracy or continue to be ruled by autocrats.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Interview with Clive Sinclair autumn 1981

This is a copy of a September 1981 interview Duncan Scot of the magazine Your Computer had with Clive Sinclair. It reveals some often overlooked facts by other sources about Clive Sinclair, like the CCTA. He is also hinting a new machine, which would be the ZX Spectrum, but doesn't name it, nor giving any specifications.

I took the PDF source of the magazine, extracted the text and then corrected it as good as I could.

He is one of the few makers of personal computers in Britain whose name is known to millions. Many admire him for his inventiveness: some distrust the ephemeral quality of many of his products which, however well designed, are launched on a market which is increasingly resentful of poor reliability. He talks to Duncan Scot.

CLIVE SINCLAIR started business by making hobby electronic kits and scientific instruments but is better known for his breakthroughs in consumer electronics products. His achievements include the first pocket calculator — so successful that at one time his company was Europe's largest manufacturer of calculators. He also created the world's first electronic watch, the Black Watch, which proved the enormous potential demand for such a product. The watch was, however, so dogged by production failures and apparently poor quality control that it was quickly withdrawn from the market — then the foreign competition stepped in. He made Microvision, the first almost pocket-sized television, now sold by the National Enterprise this year he Board. Earlier announced a new breakthrough with the first flat-screen television, due to go into production next year. He is now working on an electric car and is studying economics at King's College, Cambridge, in the hope of testing some of his ideas about job creation.

Sinclair's breakthrough into the personal-computer market occurred in February 1980 with the launch of the ZX-80 which quickly became the world's largest-selling computer. Earlier this year, he followed it with the even less expensive and far more powerful ZX-81.

Clive Sinclair was recently appointed the chairman of British Alensa, a lodge which believes that intelligence can be measured and quantified. "Surely IQ is the definition of intelligence", says Sinclair. "There is no doubt that whatever it is that intelligence tests are measuring, ii selects people I find a sight easier to get on with than the average".Sinclair has had no formal training in any of the subjects he has worked in: "I taught myself electronics at school from textbooks. When I left school in 1958, I chose not to go to university because most of them only offered electrical engineering and I had no desire for such a broadly-based course.

"I had written for the magazine Practical Wireless while I was still at school. So when they advertised a job, I joined. The title was editorial assistant but dog's-body was what it was. There was an editor, an assistant editor and me. The editor became very ill and retired so the assistant editor stepped into his shoes and promptly had a nervous break-down at the thought of having to work with the great FJ Cams who had started the magazine. I was left running it on my own — it took about two days a week. "As a result, I was offered the job of running a little publishing firm called Berners. I did this for three years while I worked towards making a transistor-radio kit. Transistor radios were starting to enter the market. The Japanese were just beginning to become a force to be reckoned with but the import controls did not allow them into the country.

"I tried to raise funds: I, in fact, persuaded a company to back me and I left my job but they got cold feel and it fell through. I looked around for money for about nine months doing some freelance writing. I took another job and started practising electronics in my spare time until it was going well enough to support me.

"The first thing I did was to buy transistor components from Plessey. It was making transistors for the computer industry and had very tight specifications. It had many transistors which were perfectly good but did not meet that particular specification so I bought, tested, graded and sold them. "The next idea was an amplifier kit, followed shortly by a radio kit. Those products went reasonably well and we moved into stereo kits. I went into kits because as a mail-order business, I could sell them without much capital. It put us firmly into the hobby market. "We had some very innovatory designs from the technology point of view, such as a new type of tuner. We started to sell ready-built stereos to the shops and that developed into a medium-sized business which took us through to 1972 when we launched the first pocket calculator. "The pocket calculator was the first one in the world. Its success was so great that its sales totally over shadowed the stereo business. At the same time, we moved into making instruments.

"The calculator market was very interesting; there was no precedent. When we started, calculators were sold exclusively through ofTicc- equipment shops. Although we sold some to those shops, I believed that that was the wrong kind of outlet. In principle, we needed mass-merchandising so we approached Boots. It seemed an unlikely choice at the time, but Boots had a very large chain. We also approached W H Smith.

"The breakthrough into calculators occurred because two or three companies more or less at the same time had developed single chips which contained most of the logic for a calculator. You could only make a calculator of a large size because the power consumption was far too high. "What we did was to develop special circuitry which effectively switched the calculator chip on and off in a way which had not been intended in the design. It was effectively off for most of the time but the charges on the various devices remained until they were switched on again and so the data was retained. That meant we gained a power saving of 10 Or 20 to one. "The problem we faced eventually was that the Japanese released little liquid-crystal machines. At one time, we were planning a diverse machine which used liquid crystals but to drive them, you need CMOS chips and those were made only in Japan. Whereas when the Americans had the lead in calculator chips they were prepared to supply to us, the Japanese were only willing to supply last year's chips. They support their own manufacturers. "That was one problem; the other was that the calculator business became fiercely competitive for everyone; everyone was selling at a loss. The big companies could afford to sell at a loss; we couldn't as it was our main business. "Our instrument business was working in parallel. Although it was less spectacular as far as the public was concerned, it grew to be a reasonably substantial business.

"Then we unveiled the Black Watch. That was technically very exciting. We were the first people in the world to put all the electronics of a watch on a single chip. Originally, we worked with Mullards but it backed out of the program — it couldn't sec a future in electronic watches. So we turned to ITT to make the chip. We hit technical snags in production. That was disastrous for us as we had the product, created the demand and couldn't deliver. We suddenly discovered that static electricity could switch the chip. "We hadn't discovered it before because by sheer chance, all the time we were making the pilot units, the humidity had been reasonable and so there were no static problems. By the time we launched, the humidity was very low and people were having electric shocks when they walk across carpets and damaged their watches. "There were other production problems which we couldn't solve and we never produced the yield we needed. The problems of the Black Watch fell at the end of the 10 years we had been developing our pocket-television technology — which was an enormous investment for us.

"On top of that, we had the flat-television tube project — jointly financed by us and the National Research and Development Council. We had the choice of either reducing the size of the company and dropping that project or seeking outside finance. I decided to go to the National Enterprise Board because the project was so dear to me. "We were unsuccessful. When Lord Ryder was the chairman, he backed us because of the television project. He left and the new people decided that the future lay with our instruments not with consumer electronics. They didn't think we could compete with the Japanese. Eventually we split up.

'We were developing a personal computer at the NEB, the Newbrain, but they decided we couldn't afford it and so that was pushed out to Newbury, I don't know what has happened to it, but it has not seen the light of day. It as about the same time that Chris Curry, who had been running science at Cambridge, left to start Arcon.

"We thought about making the ZX-80 in August the year before last. We needed a product and that was it. Clearly I had anticipated the success of the ZX-80 because we ordered a 100,000 parts - somewhat unusual in the computer business.


"As of what type of people have bought them, there is a reasonably broad spectrum. We have a higher percentages from papers like the Observer and the Sunday Times but higher numbers, because of higher circulation, from papers like the Sun and so on. The laigest age group is about 30. People tend to spend ail unbelievable number of hours with them when they receive them. It is surprising how people have actually used them to serious purpose. The ZX-80 was very much a stepping stone to the ZX-81. I think the ZX-8I has a long life. Next time we release a machine, it will not be a replacement but another kind of machine. "There is a point where there is no saving to be made: in going from the ZX-80 to the ZX-81, we have gone from 22 chips down to four There isn't much prospect of having even fewer chips because you need some capability to update and so on. By trying to put it all on one chip, you rule out that possibility. What I do see is that more functions will be available".

Sinclair on the BBC computer literacy project

"There has been a certain amount of controversy about the decision of the BBC to have a microcomputer built under contract to promote with its computer-literacy scheme which starts on BBC TV next January. "I have no objection to the contract going to Acorn", says Sinclair. "We have an argument with the BBC on several grounds, first the way in which it conducted the affair; secondly, selling a product anyway and thirdly, ignoring the industry.

"When you have a company like ours, which is easily dominating the whole of Europe in personal computers, we believe we have done a very important job in popularising computers. It is a real disappointment to have your own national broadcasting corporation completely ignore you. "What the BBC is doing, it is doing badly and it is damaging the whole progress of computers in this country. We have put a new version of Basic into our machines. It has been highly praised in the U.K. and its editing abroad, because of facilities. We developed into it features such as single-keyword entry. None of that is in the BBC version. "Even if the BBC uses another computer, ignore is silly progress. What it has offered is Microsoft Basic. If we had wanted to use Microsoftware, we could have bought it off the shelf for $10,000 and saved ourselves a small fortune — really it is disheartening".

Sinclair is also dismissive about Government plans to promote computing. "The Government has it so wrong. Frankly, they are so bad at it, it would be better if they left it alone. Fine, they should be doing things for the computer market, but this recent Department of Industry scheme is so peculiar. We were not even talked to. "We went to them when they told us about the scheme and asked what we had done wrong. They said you need CCTA approval. We went to the CCTA and they said n is not our job to approve machines. The BBC machinc does not have CCTA approval nor could it obtain CCTA for it. The truth of the matter was that the Department of Industry had no idea whatsoever.

"What is vital is that we improve the way of funding businesses. The changes I have seen while I have been in business have been striking. We must be bolder. Until Johnny goes to the careers master and the careers master says: Are you considering becoming an entrepreneur? we have not really won".

Nor does Sinclair accept that his record of eventual failures might have deterred the BBC and the Government from becoming involved: "That's not the record into really. We certainly got financial difficulties over the Black Watch and we went to the NEB — but that was after 15 years of unbroken commercial success. Having gone to the NEB and having found that it was a mistake, we rescued the thing smoothly, smartly and we are a highly profitable business again. "We know exactly why we were forced out of the calculator business, and one of the reasons was a question of scale. I won't let the Japanese win for that reason again. We are not holding an umbrella over their heads on price, nor are we allowing them — in so far as it is possible and I think it is totally possible — have a lead over us in any technical area. "If you think I will make the same mistake twice you are wrong because I haven't yet. I make mistakes, everyone does, but I never make them twice".

Monday, March 11, 2024

Logitech MX Master 3 vs MX Master 3S

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Logitech MX Master 3 or MX Master 3S

If you want to work on your desktop PC for a long time or immerse yourself in the world of video games, you shouldn't save money when purchasing a computer mouse. Ergonomically shaped quality products prevent hand cramps, allow you to work more efficiently and are generally characterized by a longer life expectancy.

The MX Master 3 and MX Master 3S from Logitech are two of those quality products that only seem identical at first glance. In our comparison we noticed a few differences that we don't want to withhold from you.What products are we looking at

Logitech MX Master 3

The Logitech MX Master 3 has been available in stores for a long time. Therefore, their owners can rely on sophisticated technology. The resolution of the mouse is 4,000 DPI (“Dots Per Inch”, which is more than enough for typical use. Logitech's proprietary Unifying Receiver or the integrated Bluetooth module can be used to connect to other computers.

To configure the Master 3, the “Logitech Options” (without “+”) software is included. If desired, the user can update this to “Logitech Options+” in order to expand the range of functions of the mouse.

Logitech MX Master 3S

The MX Master 3S is shorter than the Master 3 on the market. Its optical sensor can even resolve 8,000 DPI, which makes it easier to control individual points more precisely, especially on very large screens. However, this advantage comes at the price of a less active mouse pointer.

Maybe you know this from the office. You are constantly annoyed by the clicking noises of other people's mice. Logitech was able to optimize the mechanics of the mouse buttons to achieve a 90 percent reduction in these noises.

The device comes with Logitech's new "Logi Options+" software for Windows and Mac OS. This brings some innovations and improvements compared to the previous version, but at the same time ties up more system resources, which unfortunately leads to higher power consumption.

Logitech's new “Logi-Bolt” receiver is included for connecting to other devices. Alternatively, you can also connect the 3S mouse via Bluetooth, which also saves a USB port.

What are the main differences between Logitech MX Master 3 and MX Master 3S?

The MX Master 3 is cheaper

The older MX Master 3 is available for around half the price of its big brother.

The MX Master 3S can be positioned more precisely

The 3S offers a higher resolution than its little brother to make it easier to navigate to a specific point, especially on large displays, but it reacts more sensitively to inputs.

The Master 3S software offers more functions

The newer “Logi Options+” software version of the 3S offers a greater range of functions than the “Logitech Options” (without “+”) version with which the Master 3 is delivered. With the newer version, more settings and properties can be configured, among other things.

The MX Master 3S is quieter when clicking

Compared to the MX Master 3, Logitech was able to significantly reduce the volume of the clicking noises.

The wireless connection of the 3S is more secure and stable

The MX Master 3 uses the “Logitech Unifying” dongle to connect to other devices, which has had problems with the security and stability of the signal in the past. The S3, on the other hand, uses the newer “Logi-Bolt” dongle. Especially in environments with many wireless devices, dropouts occur less frequently with this type of connection than was the case with Master 3.

Conclusion: Which is better – the MX Master 3 or MX Master 3S?

If loud clicking noises bother you and a high DPI resolution is important to you for precisely controlling points on the screen, the Master 3S mouse meets these needs better than the Master 3. In addition, thanks to the bolt connection, it has problems with interference from other devices less common, and the connection is also more secure. The included software is also more extensive.

Since the MX Master 3 has already been on the market for a while, it can be assumed that it has tried and tested hardware and software. But the most important selling point may be their price. Because it only costs around half the price of the Master 3S mouse.

Advantages of MX Master 3
  • The MX Master 3 is available for around half the price of the MX Master 3S.
  • Due to their longer availability on the market, teething problems with hardware and software are now largely a thing of the past.
Advantages MX Master 3S
  • It has twice the DPI resolution of the Master 3 (8,000 vs. 4,000 DPI).
  • According to the manufacturer, both left and right clicks on the MX Master 3S – measured from a distance of one meter – are 90% quieter than on the Master 3.
  • In environments where a particularly large number of computers exchange data wirelessly, the Master 3S with its “Logi-Bolt” adapter offers a more stable connection between the two mice, as interference is reduced more efficiently. The use of the Logi-Bolt dongle also eliminates many of the previous security problems compared to the Unifying connection of the previous model.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 or NIU KQi3 Pro?

In this article we want to compare the Mi Pro 2 scooters from Xiaomi and the KQi3 Pro from NIU. In terms of features and performance, both competitors are in the upper middle range of their respective manufacturers' model ranges - that's where their prices are too. Even though both models are on a similar level in terms of price and performance, there are still differences that we would like to address in this comparison.

What products are we looking at?

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2

With its 600 watt electric motor, you can accelerate the Xiaomi to its maximum permitted speed of 20 km/h the fastest when its cruise control is set to sport mode (S-Mode). Even when loaded with its permissible weight of 100 kilograms, it can still handle gradients of up to 20%. Its 8.5-inch tires always ensure good road contact, even on rough or loose road surfaces (gravel).

It's good to know that if you get a flat tire, you can quickly get out of an emergency with the spare tire that comes with the accessories. This scooter is downright lightweight compared to many of its competitors, as it only weighs around 14.2 kilograms. This feature is particularly advantageous if you want to transport it between trips in other means of transport.

Xiaomi specifies a maximum range of 45 kilometers for the Pro 2. However, we do not trust manufacturer information. So we checked this statement ourselves on a trip. We were therefore not surprised that we could only determine a range of around 37 kilometers.

After its battery has been drained, the scooter needs around 9 hours to fully charge. In our opinion, a value that is hardly up to date if we take into account its rather meager range in this context.

NIU KQi3 Pro

As with its competitor, the top speed of the KQi3 Pro is also limited to 20 km/h in order to comply with European laws. 4 preset speeds can be finely adjusted with its “E-Saving” – “Sport” – “Individual” and “Pedestrian” modes. With its 9.5 inch tires, it sits firmly on the road to protect the driver from the worst bumps in the road.

According to the manufacturer, the range of the 20.3 kilogram KQi3 should be reached after 50 kilometers. However, we are aware that manufacturer information on range can only be obtained under laboratory conditions. That's why we put ourselves on his running stool to determine realistic values. During our trip we were only able to achieve a range of just over 42 kilometers. After its battery is empty, the scooter is available again for further trips after 6 hours of charging. During your journeys you can load the scooter with up to 120 kilograms. Even with a full load, it can still conquer gradients of up to 20%. Its electric motor develops a continuous output of 350 watts. You can also use 700 watts for a short time, for example to accelerate faster.

What are the main differences between the Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 and NIU KQi3 Pro?

The KQi3 Pro has better driving characteristics

In our test, the KQi3 Pro achieved a range that was around 5 kilometers longer than its competitor. At the same time, it allows a payload that is 20 kilograms higher. Thanks to these features, the KQi3 can be used to explore a larger area on one battery charge with a higher payload than with the Xiaomi scooter.

The KQi3 Pro battery can be recharged faster

Once the battery of a scooter has run empty, the driver often waits impatiently until it has reached its full capacity for further rides after charging. Here the KQi3 Pro impresses with a 3 hour shorter charging time than that of the Xiaomi scooter.

The Xiaomi scooter has the more powerful motor

With a rated output of 600 watts, its electric motor offers more thrust than its competitor, which only produces 350 watts of power, so you can always have greater power reserves at your disposal.

Conclusion: Which is better – Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 or NIU KQi3 Pro?

Xiaomi's scooter has the more powerful engine of the two competitors. This advantage was clearly noticeable on our rides, as it was quicker to accelerate to its top speed. In addition, its lower weight makes it easier to transport if, for example, you have to cover sections of your journey on public transport. And does a flat tire ever happen? No problem, because a spare tire is included.

Leaving aside the manufacturer's information, which is generally not practical, we were able to determine a range that was around 10% longer with the KQi3 Scooter from NIU than with the Mi Pro 2 from Xiaomi. Other advantages include its approximately 20% larger train load capacity and its battery, which can be charged to maximum capacity around 3 hours faster than its rival.

Advantages Xiaomi Mi Pro 2:

  • Its electric motor has around 40% greater power rating (600 vs. 350 watts) than that of the NIU scooter, which helps it accelerate better.
  • It weighs around 30% (14.2 vs. 20.3 kilograms) less than the NIU model compared here, which makes it easier to transport when traveling on public transport, for example, and also makes it easier to store.
  • Accessories include a spare tire. The NIU scooter does not come with one.

Advantages NIU KQi3 Pro:

  • On our test drive, the KQi3 achieved around 10% greater range (42 vs. 37 kilometers) than its rival.
  • With the scooter from NIU you can transport 20% more weight than with the Xiaomi scooter (120 vs. 100 kilograms).
  • Its battery can be charged in a third of the time of its competitor (6 vs. 9 hours).
  • It is equipped with 9.5-inch tires, which, due to their larger size, naturally compensate for uneven road surfaces better than the 8.5-inch tires of its competitor.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What is Nigerian scam?

A Nigerian scam is a type of fraud in which a person, usually from Nigeria or another African country, contacts a potential victim by email, phone, or mail and offers them a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee or a favor. The scammer claims that the money is trapped in a bank account, a lottery, an inheritance, or some other source, and that they need the victim's help to access it.

The scammer promises to reward the victim with a percentage of the money or some other benefit. However, if the victim agrees to help, the scammer will ask them to pay various fees, taxes, bribes, or other expenses, and then disappear with the money. The victim will never receive the promised money or benefit, and may lose a lot of their own money in the process. This scam is also known as an advance fee fraud or a 419 scam, after the section of the Nigerian criminal code that prohibits it.

Signs that an email, phone call, or letter may be a Nigerian scam

  • The sender claims to be a government official, a bank officer, a business executive, a lawyer, a lottery agent, a relative of a deceased person, or some other person with access to a large amount of money.
  • The sender asks for the victim's personal or financial information, such as their bank account number, credit card number, password, or identification documents.
  • The sender requests a small amount of money to cover some fees, taxes, legal costs, or other expenses related to the transfer of the money.
  • The sender promises a large reward or benefit for the victim's cooperation, such as a percentage of the money, a donation to a charity, a business opportunity, or a romantic relationship.
  • The sender usually uses poor grammar, spelling, or punctuation, or uses an unusual or unprofessional email address or phone number.
  • The sender pressures the victim to act quickly, or threatens them with legal action, violence, or bad luck if they do not comply.

What to do if you receive a message that appears to be a Nigerian scam

  • Do not reply to the message or provide any personal or financial information.
  • Do not send any money or agree to any favors.
  • Delete the message or report it as spam or phishing.
  • Contact your bank, credit card company, or local authorities if you have already sent money or shared your information.
  • Educate yourself and others about how to recognize and avoid Nigerian scams and other types of online fraud.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

What is better - Ninebot Max G30D 2 or Ninebot Max G2D?

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What are the major differences between the Ninebot Max G30D 2 and Ninebot Max G2D?

They are a relatively new phenomenon in electromobility: street-legal electric scooters have recently become an indispensable means of transport in our cities. You don't have to be a professional, because driving an e-scooter is child's play. Learning takes no longer than ten minutes.

The number of road-legal e-scooters available this year has become almost overwhelming, and new models are constantly being added. They differ in their performance, range, but also in equipment and quality.

This large selection can be confusing, especially for newcomers to the world of new electric mobility. That's why we took a closer look at two of the new scooters - the Ninebot Max G30D 2 and Ninebot Max G2D.

Which products are we looking at?

Ninebot Max G30D 2

The Max G30D 2 from the manufacturer Segway was developed specifically for the German market in order to obtain road approval in accordance with the StVZO. It has a top speed of 20 km/h. It can handle inclines of up to 20% on its own. An independent braking system ensures a safe stop to zero; An electronic brake acts on the rear wheel and a drum brake on the front wheel. The speed can be adjusted over 3 speed levels.

With its 350-watt motor, the scooter is in the mid-range price range. It has a short-term “peak power” of 700 watts. Its battery has a capacity of 15.3 Ah, which gives the scooter a range of around 65 kilometers. The included 3‑amp power adapter takes around 6 hours to fully charge.

The G30D 2 weighs 19.5 kilograms and measures 120 × 47.2 × 117 cm. It is also foldable, which is particularly useful if you want to combine it with public transport or store it in a limited space. Its ground clearance is 8.5 cm. The maximum load capacity is 100 kilograms.

Its electronic display shows information about the current speed, the battery level and the selected driving mode, and whether maintenance work is required. In addition, his computer can be connected to the smartphone app, which allows access to additional functions.

The inside of the tire tube is also coated with a gel, which reduces the risk of a tire burst and thus contributes to driving safety.

Two built-in LED lamps, one at the front and one at the rear, are equipped with E & Z MARK reflectors, which make the KickScooter clearly visible to other road users even in poor lighting conditions. This ensures safety on all journeys.

Ninebot Max G2D

The Ninebot Max G2D is an e-scooter that, like the G30D 2, was designed specifically for the German market. It has a StVZO-compliant road approval, which allows it a top speed of 20 km/h. This can be regulated over 5 speed levels. Thanks to the powerful motor, it can handle gradients of up to 22%. Its empty weight is 24.3 kilograms and its dimensions are 121 × 57 × 126.4 cm. It folds up to take up less space when transporting and storing.

Its Li‑Ion battery has an output of 551 watt hours. The new brushless high-performance motor brings 450 watts, or a short-term “peak power” of 900 watts, to the road. Its range is around 70 kilometers with a fully charged battery. However, this depends on the loaded condition, the terrain encountered and your own driving style. The battery charging time is around 6 hours. The maximum permissible total weight is stated by the manufacturer as 120 kilograms.

The two brakes used are drum brakes at the front and electronic brakes at the rear. The ground clearance of the G2D is around 12.5 cm. The LED lamps with E & Z MARK reflectors at the front and rear ensure you can see and be seen well, even in poor lighting conditions. Practical: The rear lamp is also a brake light.

The display built into the handlebars provides, among other things, information about the current speed, distance traveled, battery charge status and other information that may be important on your trip. The free Ninebot app, which is available for Android and iOS (Apple smartphones and tablets), expands the display to include additional useful information.

If you hit a nail or other sharp object, the gel layer inside the tire prevents the air from escaping.

What are the main differences between Max G30D 2 and Max G2D?

Max G2D has better driving characteristics

Thanks to the approximately 30% higher ground clearance, it can handle rougher terrain than the G30D 2. In addition, its more powerful engine overcomes a 10% greater incline. This means you can use it in terrain that is not suitable for the other one.

The range on one battery charge is around 7% greater than the G30D 2. This means you can cover slightly longer distances or have to charge it less often.

Its shock absorbers help to absorb or at least absorb most impacts when driving on uneven surfaces and over curbs. The G30D 2 does not have a shock absorber, so we felt a lot of bumps in the handlebars during our test.

Max G2D has better features

Because it is around 20% lighter, it is easier to transport. This advantage will be particularly noticeable if you plan to travel part of your journey using public transport.

Thanks to the 20% higher permissible total weight compared to its competitor, heavier people and more luggage can be transported.

Max G30D 2 is currently available at a better price

The G30D 2 is currently available for around ¼ less than its competitor.

Conclusion: Which is better – Max G30D 2 or Max G2D?

Although the Max G30D 2 is getting a bit old, it still offers sufficient performance and comfort for people who want to get from one place to another comfortably. Switching to buses and trains is easier with him than with his brother thanks to his lower weight and smaller size. However, the most important point for the purchase decision is probably the 25% lower price.

Ninebots Max G2D beats its older brother in driving characteristics and comfort: Not only does it accelerate faster, have a longer range and can climb steeper paths, but it also has a shock absorber system and greater ground clearance. Advantages that make it look better, especially on rough terrain.

The Ninebot Max G2D gets our recommendation because it is simply more fun thanks to its better comfort and driving characteristics. But the Max G30D 2 also allows drivers to get from one place to another comfortably, but at a lower price. It's up to you to decide whether the G2D's better driving characteristics are worth its slightly higher price.

Advantages Max G30D 2:
  • The Max G30D 2 is currently around 25% cheaper than the G2D.
  • It is around 20% lighter than the G2D, which makes it easier to transport on public transport, for example.
  • Its dimensions are slightly more compact than those of its competitor, so it is easier to find a place to store it. It also takes up less space for fellow travelers when transporting on buses and trains.
Advantages Max G2D:
  • Thanks to its approximately 30% greater ground clearance, it can be used to drive on rougher terrain than the G30D 2. Even steeper curbs rarely pose a problem for him.
  • Thanks to the G2D's approximately 7% higher range, it has to go to the charging station less often than its brother. And you can travel longer distances with it.
  • It can climb 10% greater gradients on its own than the G30D 2, which otherwise requires the use of your muscles.
  • The permitted load (weight of the driver and any luggage) is 10% higher than the model compared here.
  • An integrated brake light is standard. With the G30D 2 this isn't even available for an extra charge.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

What is better - Powerline Devolo Magic 2 WiFi Starter Kit or TP‑Link WiFi TL‑WPA8631P?

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Where are the main differences between Powerline Devolo Magic 2 WiFi Starter Kit and TP‑Link WiFi TL‑WPA8631P?

Powerline adapter
If you live in a house or a larger apartment, you are probably familiar with the problem: the range of internet coverage is actually always too short. This is where adapters for the socket help - called Powerline adapters - to increase the area covered by the Internet in your rooms.

Powerline device sets usually come in pairs per set. Some sets may also have three or more units. In addition, most systems can be retrofitted with additional devices.

In this comparison, we want to go into the main differences between a system from Devolo and one from TP‑Link.

What products are we looking at?

Devolo Magic 2 WiFi Starter Kit

The Devolo Magic 2 WiFi transmits the high-speed Internet from your Internet provider via the power supply in your apartment or house to any socket. Thanks to Powerline technology, you can use this router to make speeds of up to 2,400 MBit/s available in the power cable for every room. The range in the power grid is specified by Devolo as 500 meters.

The access point of the Devolo Magic 2 router allows WiFi connections of up to 1,200 Mbit/s, which we were able to confirm in our test setup.

Two gigabit LAN ports are integrated in the powerline adapter and another in the connection adapter. Both allow you to connect three wired devices at the same time.

The set has a loop-through socket in each unit so that the electrical consumers that were previously plugged into the wall sockets can continue to be supplied with electricity after they have been reconnected.

Accessoires of the Devolo starter kit includes two units (a WLAN adapter and a connection adapter) as well as a German quick start guide.

Devolo gives a 3-year guarantee on its product.

TP‑Link WiFi Powerline TL‑WPA8631P

The theoretical data speed for devices connected to the power cable with the TP‑Link router is 1,300 Mbit/s with a range of around 300 meters.

Installation is quick and easy: the units simply plug into mains sockets on the same circuit. After pressing the "Pair" button, all adapters in the same circuit will automatically connect to each other.

Loop-through sockets: The basic set comes with two adapters, each with its own integrated socket. This allows the electrical consumers previously plugged into the wall sockets to be reconnected.

Both units have four Ethernet ports.

The content of the package consists of the adapters themselves, two Ethernet cables, and an English-language quick start guide.

The guarantee period is 3 years.

What are the main differences between Devolo Magic 2 WiFi and TP‑Link WPA8631P?

The TP‑Link kit has the better equipment

The TP‑Link set has four LAN ports, but with the Devolo package you have to make do with three ports.

There are also benefits when expanding the system: each newly purchased expansion adapter has three LAN ports. A single expansion unit from Devolo, on the other hand, only has two.

The Devolo Magic 2 WiFi offers the better features

The Internet signal of the Devolo Magic 2 device reaches almost 200 meters further in the power supply than that of the TP‑Link system, which is an advantage in many and larger rooms into which the signal is to reach.

The device from TP‑Link is currently cheaper

The TP‑Link kit currently costs around 20% less than the Devolo set.

Conclusion: Which is better now - Devolo Magic 2 WiFi or TP‑Link?

The data transmission rate of the Devolo Magic 2 system via the mains is around twice as high as that of the TP‑Link system. The Internet signal also reaches around 60% further than with the WPA8631P, which quickly becomes an advantage in larger apartments.

If the fastest possible Internet is important to you, even in rooms further away from the provider router, you should take a closer look at the Devolo Magic 2 system.

With the TP-Link Kit you get the opportunity to provide four of your wired devices with Internet access at the same time. The speeds in the power cable and via WLAN are sufficient if you do not want to run WiFi 6 compatible clients. The range of the signal over the power grid is also more than sufficient for small to medium-sized apartments.

If you want to connect a larger number of wired computers to the Internet, TP‑Link's device offers more options thanks to its larger number of LAN ports. In addition to the larger number of connection options, the WPA8631P is also around 20% cheaper than the Devolo router.

Benefits of Devolo Magic 2 WiFi

  • With the Magic 2 WiFi from Devolo, you can transfer data to and from your clients around twice as fast via Powerline connection as with the TP‑Link device.
  • The Internet signal of the Devolo Magic 2 in the power cable reaches around 60% further than that of the TP‑Link system.

Benefits of TP‑Link WPA8631P

  • The TP‑Link adapters have a total of four LAN ports. Together, the Devolo units only have three LAN ports.
  • Up to three additional wired devices can be connected to each extender purchased at a later date. If you purchase additional units of the Devolo system, you have to make do with one less connection.
  • The TP-Link set is currently available for less money than the Devolo set.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Bitcoin scam and blackmailing

You probably found this blog by doing a web search after the following ids after receiving a mail from a Bitcoin spammer. They are also used in Nigerian (419), sextortion and romance scams.

1xPr18gM8YKsaiUkGz9MgpjtwcBQcME2i &60; There seems to be a missing digit

Bitcoin scam often comes as blackmailing. The scammer sends a mail claiming you have been visiting a porn web site. He adds that while enjoying yourself he hacked your computer and recorded a video of you from your web cam while having fun. There might also be a password in the spam as proof. He threatens to send this footage to other contacts he found in your address book and to other sites in the internet, if you don't pay a certain sum to the given Bitcoin id. But don't worry, this is usually not true, although an internet newbie might believe this. It's just a random shot to make money by scaring mail recipients. Don't pay, delete the mail.

There might be a slim chance that it is true though. If the password he mentions looks familiar, and is not something like 123456, he might actually hacked you. Check your computer for malware. If you find evidence the computer is infected, backup data like documents, videos or audio files to an external drive (USB stick or SD card) and wipe the hard disk clean before installing your operating system from scratch. Yes, that might be painful, but in my opinion better than knowing your are watched.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Should the West sanction the Chinese economy and ban her products because of the thread of a looming conflict?

This is my view from Canada.

Assuming we (people from the "western world") want to continue to consume in our somewhat democratic world order, which suited us well for decades, the bully from China has to be stopped. And be stopped now. Look at the poor Chinese, suffering from the oppression of this Government. I doubt anyone wants this here in Canada.

To stop China its economy needs to be chocked, as China just today showed in the meeting with Mr. Blinken, that they don't want diplomacy to sort things out. An open conflict it looming if China doesn't back down soon.

We're feeding China's economy since decades, and China diverts large amounts of this in their "Great Wall Of Steel" army. Not stopping to buy Chinese products now increases her chance to win the conflict and expand her influence.

Because people want to buy cheap stuff, Governments need to intervene. I wouldn't go for a right out ban already. Keep that if the conflict should start. But put hefty tax on Chinese products. So high, that domestic products have a better chance to compete.

Sure I'd like to not see a hike in taxes or bans for Chinese products. But "we" ("Western people") cannot allow China to win a possible conflict, if diplomacy fell threw one day. In my opinion, the Canadian Government - and these of all "western" countries - should step in as soon as possible to stop us from pouring our money into China's war machinery.

By the way, this is (a bans and sanctions), which we see currently in a much smaller scale in the war between Russia and the Ukraine. So it's nothing new. But will be much bigger, if diplomacy with China finally failed.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Paypal scam and fraud

Did you find this blog article because you found an address associated with a Skype account? Someone trying to get you pay an item or service? Then the person is most likely a scammer. Make no payments before further evaluation.

Paypal scammers usually try to get a person to pay using Friends & Family and offer a bonus doing so. The reason is that Paypal's buyer protection does not apply, thus the scammer gets his money right away. You'll never see your money again, nor receive your item or service. Best shot is to tell Paypal about it ‐ if you can reach their support ‐ to get the account shut down. But the criminal already cashed in and tried to find another vitime using a different Paypal account.

The Paypal addresses here are my personal collection. Some of them come from spam mails where someone asked to pay a fee to receive a larger amount of money. Others I obtained from web pages belonging to a spammer or scammer (they're both terms for the saame criminal really), or in a chat with a scammer where I trick him to reveal his Paypal account by claiming that I cannot pay Western Union, MoneyGram or by other means but Paypal.

Be aware of these Paypal scammers!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Setup and configuration for Linphone on Android with Sipgate

Linphone is a soft phone program, as well as a SIP client. It's able to place direct calls through VoIP softswitch boxes or IP-PBX. Linphone can also send and receive short text messages (SMS). It incorporates a multilanguage GUI based on GTK or QT. The Linux version also offers a console based (text) client. It's available for Linux, UNIX, Mac OS, Windows, Android and iOS. In this article I want to have a look at the Android version of Linphone and its setup, in special to set it up for

Linphone for Android

While I only know the Linux QT based client otherwise, I thought it might be fun to also have it available for Android. But as with many Android versions of nice Linux programs, Android versions seem often to be neglected and buggy. That is already the case in my opinion in the case of VLC for Android, which long lacked a playlist and still lacks support for audio and video codecs the desktop version handles with ease.

Preparations to setup Linphone for Sipgate

Before you follow these steps you need to have a running account with Sipgate. You could also use the assistant to guide you through the setup. But I preferred the manual method, which also gives me more control.

Manual Linphone configuration for on Android

The configuration for Sipgate needs at least a Username, the domain You don't need to enter an Auth id, unless it differs from the username.

Last thing you need is to enter the password provided by you from Sipgate. This has six letters (digits and letters), while letters are all uppercase. Then you're almost set.

Connectivity problems

It took me a while to figure out why the connection attempt hung for a while and then reported Connection failed. The reason was that I set the Transport to TLS or TCP. Neither won't work with Sipgate. You need to select UDP. The setting for SIP Proxy is set by the software; don't change it. The entry for STUN Server can be left blank or bogus.


VOIP and softphones are awesome in my opinion. With some providers you don't pay base fees. But note that you often cannot use a VOIP account to add your number as recovery number from mail providers to receive a text message to verify it's you. Often you also cannot receive SMS messages at all. For that you might want to consider a service offering disposable SMS and phone numbers, which is often free of charge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Nena celebrates her 40th stage anniversary

Nena is a legendary German singer and songwriter, known for her iconic hit song "99 Red Balloons". Born on March 24, 1960, in the city of Hagen in Germany, Nena's real name is Gabriele Susanne Kerner. She started her career in music in the late 1970s, performing in local clubs with her first band The Stripes.

In 1982, Nena and her band released the single "99 Luftballons", which became a massive hit across the world. The song was a protest against the Cold War and the fear of nuclear war, and it became an anthem for peace. The song reached the top of the charts in many countries, including Germany, the UK, and the US, and it helped to make Nena an international superstar.

After 99 Red Balloons

Nena continued to have success with her music throughout the 1980s, releasing several hit albums and singles. In 1985, she released the album "Feuer und Flamme", which included the hit single "Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann". The album was a commercial success, and it cemented Nena's status as one of the most popular musicians in Germany.

Despite her success, Nena decided to take a break from music in the 1990s to focus on her personal life. She got married and had children, and she spent several years living in the countryside away from the spotlight.

Future success

In 2002, Nena made a comeback with the album "Nena feat. Nena. It was a collection of her best hits, re-recorded with new band mabers. The album was a huge success in Germany, and it helped to reintroduce Nena to a new generation of fans.

Since then, Nena has continued to release music and tour across Germany and Europe. She has also become a judge on the popular TV show "The Voice of Germany", where she mentors young singers and helps to discover new talent.

Nena's peronal life

In her personal life, Nena has been married twice and has four children. She is also a passionate advocate for environmental issues, and she supports various charities and organizations that promote sustainability and conservation.


In conclusion, Nena's career in music has spanned several decades, and she has become one of the most beloved and iconic musicians in Germany. Her music has inspired generations of fans, and her legacy continues to live on through her timeless songs and powerful messages of peace and unity.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

How to not pay Paypal fees

How to get around Paypal charges

Paypal was founded in December 1998 in San Jose. It's involved in the money transfer business and serves as an online alternative to the old method using paper for money orders or checks.

Their main means of income is charging customers fees for transactions. While sending money is and was always free in private and business Paypal accounts, charges apply when receiving money. At the start Paypal acquired EBay, and most of the income came from people paying auctions, because this business model deemed to be very attractive for vendors and customers alike, because many could not directly deal with credit cards or forms of local payment methods and currencies varying in different countries.

Receiving money without paying fees with Paypal

Paypal charges private and business customers for receiving payments only alike, with fees being higher in some cases and circumstances for business customers. They claim that one reason is the calculation of the exchange rates to apply when money to be sent needs to be converted from one currency to another. Here lays the opportunity to bypass Paypal charges. When you login to your account and want to send money to somebody in a country using a different currency than yours, set your (outgoing) currency to the of the recipient. Now you have to do the calculation yourself. Also tick the box that your intention is to send money to a friend or relative. Applying the same currency and checking the box that the recipient is a friend should make Paypal waive the fees.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

I am God

I am God, or something close to that. When I'm in a cafĂ©, none of the other customers has any idea who I am. Alone I drink my beer and smoke. Maybe I appear to others like ordered but not picked up. Like one who's been dumped and sorted out. Like someone coerced into being the asshole next door. May be as someone who doesn't seem important. Nevertheless, I am God – creator of all life. I bring together what would otherwise not fit together in order to create something new on the side.

In a cafĂ© across the street, I see a couple sitting at one of the small tables at the window. Both are talking and smiling at each other. They try to discover each other, seem to be excited. I give them names like Sweetheart or Sunnyboy; all names I make up. I keep inventing new life and everyone in the cafĂ© thinks it’s their own independent life. It's like typing something on a computer and then hitting enter – I've just created new life. The whole world eats what I write in order to reply to me at some point, after digesting it. The world then chooses one person for me. My words are to them like bait on a hook. They are like small fish in the great ocean, whose paths are determined solely by chance. I lure them in with my words by telling them about someone I might be. One of them will then tell me about him or herself. That way I can tell if it's just his words or if this person really talking about himself.

The exchange goes back and forth until images emerge in people's minds that grow over time. With each exchange I might also change my gender: sometimes I'm a woman, sometimes a man. I often make insinuations without committing myself. Sometimes I agree with the idea, sometimes I disagree. Every now and then I say the opposite of what the other person wants me to say – sometimes both: yin and yang. I also like to switch sides, because I know both. But whenever I make a new date, I choose this small cafĂ© as my meeting place. I won't let that be taken from me.

It's always a new day for every new couple taking place in this little cafĂ©. Because everyone should meet at exactly this meeting point in order to find a crossing. This cafĂ© is their first common ground. In there I join previously separated things together. Here people get to know each other who have never exchanged a word with each other before. In fact, they are curious and surprised. But they only know as much as I tell them because I made it all up. It’s exactly at this point in time when what I imagined becomes reality. I drink my beer, smoke another cigarette and watch them doing their thing. Mostly they are full of hope, seldom argue or fight. I can see in their eyes that they forgot the world around them. The couples are beautiful. They sit together and talk to each other – they are my work.

Every night I bring new couples together here. But since I'm a very secretive being, I don't even want to know what's going on. I speak as a woman to men and as a man to women. I make appointments, for which I set the date and an identifier when we meet. I also let those present know what I expect from them and that I look forward to meeting you. They then sit in front of each other at a table and think that it was their decision and their self-determined actions to meet each other. This all makes me happy. All of this is happening just because of me, without them being aware of it.

When they get up, they often leave the cafĂ© together – only on rare occasions alone. I set them free. Since I can't predict whether they will decide for or against each other, I am regularly surprised by the outcome. At the end of the evening I cover my electronic traces and disappear – make myself invisible again. In fact, no one is God. It's just an idea – a background noise, like the air, the light and the gravity. Like a fundamental law of physics, without which all parts would fall apart and make no sense.

Maybe God is a guy like me who drinks his beer and just watches other people go about their lives.

Translation and recitation of Andreas Kurz’ Ich bin Gott

Monday, June 6, 2022

Seth MacFalane hates The Orville?

Seth MacFarlane's show The Orville was probably supposed to be a mix of jokes similar to Family Guy or American Dad! with Star Trek, mainly The Next Generation. No surprise, MacFarlane being a known Star Trek fan.

Seth MacFarlane as Ensign Rivers in Star Trek Enterprise on the right.

That seemed to have worked quite well. Although professional critics gave season 1 only a 19% approval, in the audience 4 of 5 loved it. There were lot of guest appearances of Star Trek actors, and some of them, like Jonathan Frakes even directed some episodes. But the production company seems to not have been too happy - only looking st the "professionals".

Darker tone in season 2

Somewhere mid-season 2 The Orville became darker, some say "matured". The professional ratings went up to 100%, but fun and Star Trek connections slowly faded away. In my opinion that was with the double episodes Identity I and II and the Kaylon war. Thus it was decided that there will be a third season. But it's also the point where I was disappointed more and more with each new episode not going back to the roots - you know, Star Trek references and some crude jokes.

Season 3: even further away from Star Trek and humor

After watching this and becoming even more disappointed the show moved further away from its root - and the ratings indicating other love it - I wonder if I am the only one loosing faith in The Orville. Yes, the show might have become more mature and professional. But don't we have enough dark science-fiction series and movies? Where has the fun gone?

Does Seth MacFarlane hate his newest baby, The Orville?

Does he want to end the show to get free to care more about Family Guy and American Dad! but by moving away from Star Trek and jokes he instead plays into the hands of the production company? Because there was a cutaway scene in a Family Guy episode where Peter Griffin (usually voiced by Seth MacFarlane - but may be not here) shoots the TV is the announcer says The Orville comes now.

Back in 2019 I had a different opinion about the show. Today I wished it would come back to where it was in season 1.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Beware of Skype scammers!

While Skype itself is a nice service for chat conversations, but especially for audio and video chat, its functions are abused by spammers and scammer too, like any other service, for example WhatsApp, the Facebook Messenger or Telegram. That doesn't make any of these services evil. Like a road isn't evil, although it can transport bad people. But computer users should be aware, that anything can and will be abused.

You probably found this page when looking up a certain Skype ID, coming from either a mail or direct call. The Skype IDs here are my personal collection I received mainly in fraudulent emails. Others I found doing research on a scammer's email address, social media or home page. Although some are not used in a scam message themselves I collect them from the pages a scammer uses to advertise his scam. People who owns them want to scam you out of your money. You might want to put the ID you looked up plus other below in your black list.

While normal people should never get into contact with these scammers, for others, especially researchers, it might be a thrill to actually call them. With some luck they can hear the scammer or even see him adn get a chance to record it. If anybody did, please upload this to a video platform and let me know in the comments.

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

WHATSAPP numbers of spammers and scammers

You probably came across of some Nigerian scam, where a rich prince asking you to take his million bucks for a small fee. Nigerian scam is older than email. It was done by letter post before that. These so called 419 scammmers went digital decades ago. Pretty new is the use of Whatsapp numbers, where as they also still use normal phone numbers or phone numbers to send SMS messages (text messages) to. If you found this blog then you probably checked Google for a certain Whatsapp number coming in an email. Just don't call them, it's scam. Unless you want to have some fun by stealing their time.


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